What Murphy’s Law is

I spent decades off and on as a newspaper columnist, writing most recently about generational relationships, and most of these posts will be about those as well. But I also did columns about workplace issues and home computers (in the dial-up internet era), plus a general interest column called Murphy’s Law, so you never know exactly what crap I’ll throw at you.

My most recent columns in the pre-Substack era ran in the San Francisco Chronicle. You can find links to them here, but you’ll run into a paywall in a hurry.

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Generational relationships are complicated. Offering comments or suggestions here makes you part of a community of people who share your interests. Maybe we can all learn from each other, because if you’re counting on me for everything you’re in deep trouble. If you’d rather reach me privately, my DMs are open on Twitter: @daexmurph.

In case you’re wondering, any links I offer are strictly because I think you might like them. I don’t get paid for mentioning any products or for people clicking hyperlinks.

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Subscribe to Murphy's Law

An award-winning columnist's take on generations and relationships, plus assorted blather.


Dave is a former columnist with the San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco Examiner and San Mateo Times, writing most recently about generational relationships.